msn-pecan 0.1.3 released


This is a normal maintenance release mostly to fix reliability on
authentication, and offline messaging fixes.

Felipe Contreras (19):
      build: use makensis
      win32: update README with full instructions
      gitignore: update
      build: trivial cleanup
      build: remove redundant -ansi specifier
      pn_util: remove clang warnings
      auth: properly cleanup pending request
      Improvements from clang analyzer
      Trivial cleanups from clang analysis
      pn_util: trivial improvement in pn_html_unescape
      http: fix crash when connecting from another location
      sync: fix gression in LST command
      msn: send messages offline when invisible
      notification: properly update the status on CHG
      node: extra check for open signal handler
      auth: fix a few memory leaks
      node: fix trivial warning
      build: use GIO by default
      win32: tag 0.1.3

Download from the (usual place).

15 thoughts on “msn-pecan 0.1.3 released

  1. Pingback: Msn-Pecan 0.1.3 Released

  2. I’m not sure, if it’s a good place to ask, but do you plan releasing MSN-Pecan as an N9/N950 account plugin? AFAIK the stock firmware contains plugins only for Facebook, GoogleTalk, and Skype…


  3. @FelipeC

    When you’re doing bug fixing of this kind, do you look at other open source implementations of the same feature ‘msn login’ for eample Kopete or Pidgin? After all as I understand it, one of the inspirations of the GNU movement was code reuse.

    On the one hand code sharing could resolve your problem. On the other at some point it becomes a fudge reusing someone elses work?

    Alternatively, if notionally your implementation method is C and their’s is C++ then the library and class calls might look the same but work very differently and be of no help…


  4. @jay Yeap, I still have some patches pending. And there’s quite a lot of changes from Devid that I need to review. Unfortunately I have been doing other tasks at the moment.

    I wish more people were active in the development, but there’s progress, albeit not as fast as I would want it.


  5. Probably not the best place for a bug report, but could not find a better place…

    Looks like recieving emoticons with pidgin and msn-pecan on windows stoped to work after the last WLM software update (22/06/12) on the other sides of conversations.

    Could this be msn-pecan related?


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