The Linux way: never ever break user experience

Through the years it has become more and more obvious to me that there’s two camps in open source development, and one camp is not even aware of how the other camp works (or succeeds, rather), often to their own detriment. This was blatantly obvious in Miguel de Icaza’s blog post What Killed the Linux Desktop, in which he accused Linus Torvalds for setting the attitude of breaking API’s to the developer’s heart content without even realizing that they (Linux kernel developers) do the exact opposite of what he claimed; Linux never ever breaks user-space API. This triggered a classic example of many thorned discussions between the two camps, which illustrates how one side doesn’t have a clue of how the other side operates, or even; that there’s entirely different way of doing things. I will name the camps “The Linux guys” (even though they don’t work strictly on the Linux kernel), and “The user-space guys”, which is people that work on user-space, GNOME being one of the peak examples.

This is not an attempt to put people in two black-and-white categories, there’s a spectrum of behaviors, and surely you can find people in a group with the mentality of the other camp. Ultimately it’s you the one that decides if there’s a divide in attitudes or not.

The point of this post is to explain the number one rule of Linux kernel development; never ever break user experience, why that is important, and how far off the user-space camp is.

When I say “Linux” I’m referring to the Linux kernel, because that’s the name of the kernel project.

The Linux way

There are many exhaustive details of what makes the Linux kernel development work on a day-to-day basis, and many reasons for why it is the way it is, and why it’s good and desirable to work in that way. But for now I will simply concentrate on what it is.

Never ever break user experience. This point cannot be stressed enough. Forget about development practices, forget about netiquette, forget about technical competence… what is important is the users, and to never break their expectations. Let me quote Linus Torvalds:

The biggest thing any program can do is not the technical details of the program itself; it’s how useful the program is to users.

So any time any program (like the kernel or any other project), breaks the user experience, to me, that’s the absolute worst failure that a software project can make.

This is a point that is so obvious, and yet many projects (especially big ones), often forget; that they are nothing without their user-base. If you start a small project all by yourself, you are painfully aware that in order for your project to succeed, you need users. Without users you cannot get more developers, and your project could very well disappear from the face of the Earth, and nobody would notice. But once your project is big enough, one or two users complaining about something start being less of an issue, in fact, hundreds of them might be insignificant, and at some point, you loose any measure of what percentage of users are complaining, this problem might grow to the point that developers say “users don’t know what they want”, in order to ignore the importance of users, and their needs.

But that’s not the Linux way; it doesn’t matter if you have one user, or ten, or millions, your project still succeeds (or fails) because of the same reason; it’s useful to some people (or not). And if you break user experience, you risk that usefulness, and you risk your project being irrelevant for your users. That is not good.

Of course, there are compromises, sometimes you can do a bit of risk analysis: OK; this change might affect 1% of our current users, and the change would be kind of annoying, but it would make the code so much more maintainable; let’s go for it. And it’s all about to where you draw the line. Sometimes it might be OK to break user experience, if you have good reasons for it, but you should really try to avoid it, and if you go forward, provide an adjustment period, a configuration for the old behavior, and even involve your users in the whole process to make sure the change is indeed needed, and their discomfort is minimized.

At the end of the day it’s all about trust. I use project X not only because it works for me, but because I trust that it will keep working for me in the years to come. If for some reason I expected it to break next year, I might be better off looking for something else right now that I trust I could keep relying on indefinitely, than having project X break on me while I’m on the middle of a deadline, and I don’t have time for their shenanigans.

Obvious stuff, yet many project don’t realize that. One example is when the udidks2 project felt they should change the address of the mount directories from `/media/foo`, to `/run/media/$user/foo`. What?! I’m in the middle of something important, and all of a sudden I can’t find my disks’ content in /media? I had to spend a considerable amount of time until I found the reason; no, udisks2 didn’t had a bug; they introduced this change willingly and knowingly. They didn’t give any deprecation warning while they moved to the new location, they didn’t have an option to keep the old behavior, they just moved it, with no explanation, in one single commit (here), from one version to the next. Am I going to keep using their project? No. Why would I? Who knows when would be the next time they decide to break some user experience unilaterally without deprecation warnings or anything? The trust is broken, and many others agree.

How about the Linux kernel? When was the last time your Linux kernel failed you in some way that it was not a bug, but that the developers knowingly and willingly broke things for you? Can’t think of any? Me neither. In fact, people often forget about the Linux kernel, because it just works. The external drivers (like NVIDIA or AMD) is not a problem of the kernel, but the drivers themselves, and I will explain later on. You have people bitching about all kinds of projects, and threatening forks, and complaining about the leadership, and whatnot. None of that happens with the Linux kernel. Why? Because it just works. Not for me, not for 90% of the users, for everybody (or 99.99% of everybody).

Because they never ever break user experience. Ever. Period.

The deniers

Miguel de Icaza, after accusing Linus not maintaining a stable ABI for drivers, went on arguing that it was kernel developers’ fault of spreading attitudes like:

We deprecated APIs, because there was a better way. We removed functionality because “that approach is broken”, for degrees of broken from “it is a security hole” all the way to “it does not conform to the new style we are using”.

What part of “never ever break user experience” didn’t Icaza understand? It seems he only mentions the internal API, which does change all the time in the Linux kernel, and which has never had any resemblance of a promise that it wouldn’t (thus the “internal” part), and ignoring the public user-space API, which does indeed never break, which is why you, as a user, don’t have to worry about your user-space not working on Linux v3.0, or Linux v4.0. How can he not see that? Is Icaza blind?


The gnome people claiming that I set the “attitude” that causes them problems is laughable.

One of the core kernel rules has always been that we never ever break any external interfaces. That rule has been there since day one, although it’s gotten much more explicit only in the last few years. The fact that we break internal interfaces that are not visible to userland is totally irrelevant, and a total red herring.

I wish the gnome people had understood the real rules inside the kernel. Like “you never break external interfaces” – and “we need to do that to improve things” is not an excuse.

Even after Linus Torvalds and Alan Cox explained to him how the Linux kernel actually works in a Google+ thread, he didn’t accept anything.

Lennart Poettering being face to face with both (Torvalds and Cox), argued that this mantra (never break user experience) wasn’t actually followed (video here). Yet at the same time his software (the systemd+udev beast) recently was criticized for knowingly and willingly breaking user experience by making the boot hang for 30s per device that needed firmware. Linus’ reply was priceless (link):

Kay, you are so full of sh*t that it’s not funny. You’re refusing to
acknowledge your bugs, you refuse to fix them even when a patch is
sent to you, and then you make excuses for the fact that we have to
work around *your* bugs, and say that we should have done so from the
very beginning.

Yes, doing it in the kernel is “more robust”. But don’t play games,
and stop the lying. It’s more robust because we have maintainers that
care, and because we know that regressions are not something we can
play fast and loose with. If something breaks, and we don’t know what
the right fix for that breakage is, we *revert* the thing that broke.

So yes, we’re clearly better off doing it in the kernel.

Not because firmware loading cannot be done in user space. But simply
because udev maintenance since Greg gave it up has gone downhill.

So you see, it’s not that GNOME developers understand the Linux way and simply disagree that’s the way they want to go, it’s that they don’t even understand it, even when it’s explained to them directly, clearly, face to face. This behavior is not exclusive to GNOME developers, udisks2 is another example, and there’s many more, but probably not as extreme.

More examples

Linus Torvalds gave Kay a pretty hard time for knowingly and willingly introducing regressions, but does Linux fares better? As an example I can think of a regression I found with Wine, after realizing the problem was in the kernel, I bisected the commit that introduced the problem and notified Linux developers. If this was udev, or GNOME, or any other crappy user-space software, I know what their answer would be: Wine is doing something wrong, Wine needs to be fixed, it’s Wine’s problem, not ours. But that’s not Linux, Linux has a contract with user-space and they never break user experience, so what they did is to revert the change, even though it made things less-than-ideal on the kernel side, that’s what was required so you, the user, doesn’t experience any breakage. The LKML thread is here.

Another example is what happened when Linux moved to 3.0; some programs expected a 2.x version, or even 2.6.x, these programs were clearly buggy, as they should check that the version is greater than 2.x, however, the bugs were already there, and people didn’t want to recompile their binaries, and they might not even be able to do that. It would be stupid for Linux to report 2.6.x, when in fact it’s 3.x, but that’s exactly what they did. They added an option so the kernel would report a 2.6.x version, so the users would have the option to keep running these old buggy binaries. Link here.

Now compare the switch to Linux 3.0 which was transparent and as painless as possible, to the move to GNOME 3. There couldn’t be a more perfect example of a blatant disregard to current user experience. If your workflow doesn’t work correctly in GNOME 3… you have to change your workflow. If GNOME 3 behaves almost as you would expect, but only need a tiny configuration… too bad. If you want to use GNOME 3 technology, but you would like a grace period while you are able to use the old interface, while you adjust to the new one… sucks to be you. In fact, it’s really hard to think of any way in which they could have increased the pain of moving to GNOME 3. And when users reported their user experience broken, the talking points were not surprising: “users don’t know what they want”, “users hate change”, “they will stop whining in a couple of months”. Boy, they sure value their users. And now they are going after the middle-click copy.

If you have more examples of projects breaking user experience, or keeping it. Feel free to mention them in the comments.

No, seriously, no regressions

Sometimes even Linux maintainers don’t realize how important this rule is, and in such cases, Linus doesn’t shy away from explaining it to them (link):


It’s a bug alright – in the kernel. How long have you been a
maintainer? And you *still* haven’t learnt the first rule of kernel

If a change results in user programs breaking, it’s a bug in the
kernel. We never EVER blame the user programs. How hard can this be to

> So, on a first glance, this doesn’t sound like a regression,
> but, instead, it looks tha pulseaudio/tumbleweed has some serious
> bugs and/or regressions.

Shut up, Mauro. And I don’t _ever_ want to hear that kind of obvious
garbage and idiocy from a kernel maintainer again. Seriously.

I’d wait for Rafael’s patch to go through you, but I have another
error report in my mailbox of all KDE media applications being broken
by v3.8-rc1, and I bet it’s the same kernel bug. And you’ve shown
yourself to not be competent in this issue, so I’ll apply it directly
and immediately myself.


The fact that you then try to make *excuses* for breaking user space,
and blaming some external program that *used* to work, is just
shameful. It’s not how we work.

Fix your f*cking “compliance tool”, because it is obviously broken.
And fix your approach to kernel programming.

And if you think that was an isolated incident (link):

Rafael, please don’t *ever* write that crap again.

We revert stuff whether it “fixed” something else or not. The rule is
“NO REGRESSIONS”. It doesn’t matter one whit if something “fixes”
something else or not – if it breaks an old case, it gets reverted.

Seriously. Why do I even have to mention this? Why do I have to
explain this to somebody pretty much *every* f*cking merge window?

This is not a new rule.

There is no excuse for regressions, and “it is a fix” is actually the
_least_ valid of all reasons.

A commit that causes a regression is – by definition – not a “fix”. So
please don’t *ever* say something that stupid again.

Things that used to work are simply a million times more important
than things that historically didn’t work.

So this had better get fixed asap, and I need to feel like people are
working on it. Otherwise we start reverting.

And no amount “but it’s a fix” matters one whit. In fact, it just
makes me feel like I need to start reverting early, because the
maintainer doesn’t seem to understand how serious a regression is.

Compare and contrast

Now that we have a good dose of examples it should be clear how the difference in attitudes from the two camps couldn’t be more different.

In the GNOME/PulseAudio/udev/etc. camp, if a change in API causes a regression on the receiving end of that API, the problem is in the client, and the “fix” is not reverted, it stays, and the application needs to change, if the user suffers as a result of this, too bad, the client application is to blame.

In the Linux camp, if a change in API causes a regression, Linux has a problem, the change is not a “fix”, it’s a regression and it must be reverted (or otherwise fixed), so the client application doesn’t need to change (even though it probably should), and the user never suffers as a result. To even hint otherwise is cause for harsh public shaming.

Do you see the difference? Which of the two approaches do you think is better?

What about the external API?

Linux doesn’t support external modules, if you use an external module, you are own your own. They have good reasons for this; all modules can and should be part of the kernel, this makes maintenance easy for everybody.

Each time an internal API needs to be changed, the person that does the change can do it for all the modules that are using that API. So if you are a company, let’s say Texas Instruments, and you manage to get your module into the Linux mainline, you don’t have to worry about API changes, because they (Linux developers), would do the updates for you. This allows the internal API to always be clean, consistent, relevant, and useful. As an example of a recent change, Russell King (the ARM maintainer), introduced a new API to set the DMA mask, and in the process updated all users of dma_set_mask() to use the new function dma_set_mask_and_coherent(), and by doing that found potential bugs in many instances. So companies like Intel, NVIDIA, and Texas Instruments, benefit from cleaner and more robust code without moving a finger, Rusell did it all in his 51 patch series.

In addition, by having all the modules on the same source tree, when a generic API is to be added, it’s easy to consider all possible use-cases, because the code is readily available. An example of this is the preliminary Common Display Framework, which takes into consideration drivers from Renesas, NVIDIA, Samsung, Texas Instruments, and other Linaro companies. After this framework is done, all existing display drivers would benefit, but things would be specially easier for future generations of drivers. It’s only because of this refactoring that the amount of drivers supported by Linux can grow without the amount of code exploding uncontrollably, which is one of the advantages Linux has over Windows, OSX, and other operating systems’ kernels.

If companies don’t play along in this collaborate effort, like is the case with NVIDIA’s and AMD’s proprietary drivers, is to their own detriment, and there’s nobody to blame but those companies. Whenever you load one of these drivers, Linux goes immediately into a tainted mode, which means that if you find problems with the Linux kernel, Linux developers cannot help you. It’s not that they don’t want to help, but it’s that they might be physically incapable. If a closed-source module has a bug and corrupts memory on the kernel side, there is no way to find that out, and might show as some other module, or even the core itself crashing. So if a Linux developer sees a crash say, on a wireless driver, but the kernel is tainted, there is only so much he can do before deciding it’s not worth his time to investigate this issue which has a good chance of being caused by a proprietary driver.

Thus if a Linux update broke your NVIDIA driver, blame NVIDIA. Or even better, don’t use the proprietary driver, use noveau.


Hopefully after reading this article it would be clear to you what is the number one rule of Linux kernel development, why it is a good rule, and why other projects should follow it.

Unfortunately it should also be clear that other projects, particularly those related to GNOME, don’t follow it, and why that causes such backlash, controversy, and forks.

In my opinion there’s no hope in GNOME, or any other user-space project, being nearly as successful as Linux if they don’t follow the simplest most important rule. Linux will always keep growing in importance and development power, and these others are forever doomed to forks, nearly identical alternatives, and their developers jumping ship after their trust gets broken. If only they would follow this simple rule, or at least understand it.

Bonus video


12 thoughts on “The Linux way: never ever break user experience

  1. Your problem starts when you have users asking for changes in the outer api and you need to deprecate the older api to accomodat the new one otherwise you get killed by the cruft piling up.

    The mitigation is obviously making as painless as possible migrate, send some examplar patches to known projects and keep release branches up to date so downstreams can pick up the changes.

    Obviously just some projects do that and usually not completely due the lack of resources. Other just ignore you.


  2. While I agree with you that disruptive changes happen sometime unnecessarily in GNOME3, I think your comparison is wrong, and you miss what GNOME3 people try to achieve. You minimize the difficulty of doing a desktop too. Who could get it right from the beginning? Even Linus recognizes that:

    You can’t compare Linux 3.0 and GNOME 3. Linux “3.0” was a simple version scheme change (because Linus couldn’t count after 40), while GNOME3 is a totally different desktop. If it can help you to understand the difference, it is like changing from KDE to GNOME, MacOS or XFCE: they are different desktops… If you never change UI paradigms, we would never have smartphone or tablets, we wouldn’t even have mouse, and would be using text terminal.

    Regarding breakage, I think it’s reasonable to say that GNOME devs try to build a final desktop product, that integrates well with standards and interfaces they themself help define. The internal of how it is built is not part of the stability contract, and as much as I dislike the udisk change, it has technical reasons and is invisble to a regular desktop user. GNOME developers think about usability mostly for end-users. If you have to reach to the shell or recognize a mount point, that’s wrong. So that example is hopefully irrelevant for the users GNOME is targeting, and so doesn’t break the “user rule”. And using the right udisk API probably also clears the issue for developers. What is left is “old-school boys”, sorry for you, but zsh & vim are so powerful, why do you need a desktop?

    An application built using GNOME technologies is supposed to use well defined and stable APIs.I think it is fair to say that this is very well understood by core developpers, and breakage are very rare (although it can happen, but I don’t have an example in mind). If you use unstable APIs (internal of gnome-shell for instance), you will have the same problems than other projects, like Firefox. But apparently, that doesn’t stop people from writing and trying a lot of extensions, and they eventually end up being adopted and merged. The fact that there is no stable API for those projects allows greater extensibility, since you are allowed to modify anything.


  3. @Luca Barbato

    Obviously just some projects do that and usually not completely due the lack of resources. Other just ignore you.

    Yes, that is right, but the irony is that by not keeping the course of no regressions they piss off current users, and thus potential developers in the future. Those potential developers might allow them to complete faster the next patches to minimize deprecation pain.

    So they use “lack of resources” as the reason why they are doing something that would cause them to have less resources for the future.


    While I agree with you that disruptive changes happen sometime unnecessarily in GNOME3, I think your comparison is wrong, and you miss what GNOME3 people try to achieve. You minimize the difficulty of doing a desktop too. Who could get it right from the beginning? Even Linus recognizes that:

    I’ve seen that video, and Linus is not talking about a desktop environment, he is talking about the whole desktop, which includes many many things other than the DE. That’s why he is using printers as an example, and last time I checked, SANE is not part of GNOME. So, yes, a desktop operating system is much harder, but I’m not talking about that. In fact, Linux (the kernel), is an essential part of “the desktop”.

    You can’t compare Linux 3.0 and GNOME 3. Linux “3.0″ was a simple version scheme change (because Linus couldn’t count after 40), while GNOME3 is a totally different desktop.

    Yeah, and that is precisely the problem.

    If you never change UI paradigms, we would never have smartphone or tablets, we wouldn’t even have mouse, and would be using text terminal.

    But that is a false dichotomy, you can have both change and compatibility. And in the video at the bottom Linus and Alan Cox explain exactly that.

    In fact, GNOME developers themselves are proving themselves wrong by introducing GNOME classic. It was possible to release GNOME 3 while providing support for both the old and the new paradigm. They just chose not to.

    The internal of how it is built is not part of the stability contract, and as much as I dislike the udisk change, it has technical reasons and is invisble to a regular desktop user.

    Not really. A regular desktop user can easily add symbolic links to stuff in an external storage drive, he might have setup Steam to install games on such a drive, and maybe setup Samba, or some other sharing framework to share folders from that drive through a UI (I’m not sure if that even exists, but it’s a possibility). Regular users care as much about /media/foo as they do about E:\, and they would like to avoid using those paths as much as possible, but unfortunately they do need to learn about them, in Windows and Linux. udisks could help alleviate that, and applications like Steam could use it, but they are not going to use it, specially not with that mentality about breaking user experience.

    Moreover, the users of udisks are not just regular desktop users.

    What is left is “old-school boys”, sorry for you, but zsh & vim are so powerful, why do you need a desktop?

    Because I can’t run Chromium, or Steam, or Transmission, inside zsh. And I need multiple instances of zsh, and I need window management, and work spaces.

    Is that really so hard to imagine?

    At the end of the day the problem is that GNOME, KDE, Enlightenment, and basically most of user-space doesn’t follow this obvious rule. So when it’s time to choose between trying really hard to keep the user experience, which I admit is hard and takes a lot of effort, or breaking it, which is easier, more fun, and would allow a release to happen sooner, they always chose the later.

    That is why they loose users, and developers, and that is why they don’t have enough resources to make the next release painless to their users, and they will never have if they keep making the same mistake, and they keep loosing developers.

    If we had a desktop environment that did try really really hard not to break user experience, like Linux, even if meant a lot more effort, perhaps years of delay for the next major release, things would be very different. Such a project would be able to accommodate all kinds of users, and would not constantly bleed developers, but instead, the number of developers would always increase, forks would be unnecessary, and similar alternatives doomed. There would be no need for Xfce, or razor-qt, or awesome, all those user interface paradigms would be supported. But ALAS, nobody follows this rule.

    You could use GNOME technology to build a window manager like xmonad, and xfwm4, in fact, there was already a xfwm4-like window manager, and you could have all the advantages of GNOME on top of such interface, and in fact, a lot of people run GNOME stuff on top of these window managers. But GNOME chose not only to not pursue this approach, but to reject patches that would even try to go that way. Basically turning their back on more developers.

    Yes it’s hard, yes it requires more effort, but in the end it guarantees more developers for the future, and more happy users.

    I give you one concrete example in the Linux side; KMS vs framebuffer. These two camps have as different needs as xmonad and gnome-shell does, yet both are supported by the Linux kernel. Their developers are as different as xmonad developers and gnome-shell developers, but that’s not a problem because their code-bases are separate. Ultimately it’s up to the users to decide which one they need, and Linux developers never tell their users; you want framebuffer? Don’t use Linux, use FreeBSD, or fork.

    Ultimately both KMS and framebuffer can run on top of shared technologies, of course that requires an incredible amount of effort, but it would be worth it. To this day people keep talking about merging them, but they haven’t managed to achieve this, because it’s a lot of work. It might take years before this effort is realized, but it would be worth it.

    I bet it would take significantly less effort to have an xmonad-like interface in GNOME than merging KMS and framebuffer, yet GNOME is not even thinking about, while Linux is. That’s why one project will keep amassing users and developers, and the other one won’t.


  4. The ironic thing is, after the rocky transition to 4.x and people jumping ship because it seemed at the time like the KDE folks were going insane, these days I can make my KDE desktop behave and look pretty much exactly how 3.x did if I want. It’s just that there’s a bunch of other extra niceties that they’ve added, and underpinning it is a more upgradeable framework going forwards. In fact, for the switch from KDE 4 to KDE 5, the intent is to switch things in such a manner that the average user won’t even necessarily notice that the underlying framework has been overhauled and upgraded—meanwhile, the latest 4.x release, 4.11, is to be an “LTS” release for the desktop framework, to persist until everyone can comfortably transition without regressions to their experiences and needs.

    When the transition to KDE 4 first started, I was extremely worried, and I clung to 3.5 for a very long time. The versioning really didn’t help, as 4.0 was treated as more of an alpha, and things didn’t truly stabilize and features weren’t reimplemented until around 4.2/4.3, and while the devs were saying as much at the time you’d never have guessed it just by looking at the version numbers and reading the quick release synopses. But in the end, everything carried over; the defaults have changed, but within mere moments I can switch things back and carry on as if it’s 3.5 if I want to.

    Konqueror as my file browser instead of Dolphin? Check. Use Filelight as a plugin in Konqueror to get a fancy graph of my data? Check. Switch the behaviour of the desktop to be the classic “it’s a folder”? Check. Well, I don’t actually do the latter, personally, but it’s right there: you right-click on the desktop, click on Desktop Settings, and right there you can change the type of desktop you want. And by default, the desktop instead has a widget that shows the files in ~/Desktop, so it’s at once familiar and signalling to people that there’s deeper configurability if they so desire.

    For desktop space, I think this is a fair compromise. Have the defaults set so that they should please and work for the greatest number of people, but have configuration always just around the corner, and underneath every rock a user might overturn. Be welcoming, but also trust that the users can chart their own courses, and that you don’t know better than them what works best in their individual case.

    Oh, and of course, any applications written for KDE 3.x still work fine on the latest KDE 4.x. And maybe it’s just my bad luck, but while KDE applications seem to play nicely and work well outside of KDE itself (ex. in Openbox), GNOME applications seem to display weirdly and buggily, apparently making no allowances that they’d ever be used anywhere outside of GNOME itself.

    It’s not like KDE is perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination, but to a degree they seem to have learned the lesson of the kernel developers, that you work within an interlocking and heterogeneous ecosystem and exist at the pleasure of the users.

    If your software breaks in combination with others’ software when you make a change? That’s your problem, not that of the developers of the other software, and so KDE has file copy dialogs that aren’t even used within KDE itself, because each program needs to work just fine if a person doesn’t want to run the entire software stack. If your software doesn’t act how some users might want it to act? Well then that should be an option, and not just some hidden barely-documented config option, but a menu where the user would reasonably expect it to be.

    Hopefully the mania infecting GNOME doesn’t infect KDE too much, otherwise I might have to revert to customizing an Openbox instance like I toyed around with during the 3->4 transition . . . luckily, their sanity towards the 4->5 transition so far has been extremely reassuring.


  5. @keithzg

    The ironic thing is, after the rocky transition to 4.x and people jumping ship because it seemed at the time like the KDE folks were going insane, these days I can make my KDE desktop behave and look pretty much exactly how 3.x did if I want.

    Exactly, this means they could have delayed the 4.x release until they reached this point, where the 3.x users could configure their system in such a way that their experience wouldn’t be broken.

    But they chose not to do that, and that’s a mistake.

    It’s not like KDE is perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination, but to a degree they seem to have learned the lesson of the kernel developers, that you work within an interlocking and heterogeneous ecosystem and exist at the pleasure of the users.

    That is good to know. Hopefully they’ll get KDE 5 right. Personally I’m trying Cinnamon 2.0 and it’s the best of both worlds, they have a basic configuration for dummies like GNOME 3, but they have an advanced button, which is exactly what I suggested to GNOME developers. I don’t know if KDE has something like that, but it would definitely be preferred than going full bonkers like GNOME.

    I haven’t used KDE in many years, but I do have confidence they learned the lesson with KDE 4, while GNOME 3 didn’t, and I don’t have any hope for them.


  6. You asked for examples of breaking user experience. Here’s a doozy.

    I’m not sure whether it’s GNOME or just Nautilus, but they abandoned my data big-time. I have found file descriptions to be an extremely userful feature that I think is very much needed in the Linux environment. For a while Nautilus implemented this. However, it was implemented in a half-a**ed way, so that the descriptions were lost if a file was moved. Instead of fixing it, they simply abandoned the feature, leaving me effectively with massive data loss.


  7. I love the Linux kernel. It is a well-designed piece of software. I love dealing with Unix-like operating systems, because the make me feel at home while coding or doing sysadmin stuff. But sometimes I wish FreeBSD was more popular than Linux, just because of the userland problems that Linux distros have. We had no desktop environments, then KDE appears, using Qt. Qt was not open-source. Instead of rewriting Qt, people wrote GNOME. Ok, but then comes Canonical and writes Unity. Then GNOME developers smoke something from outer space and turn something that took years to become usable into a brand-new mess. KDE was never good. Then lots of other DEs appear. People complain about OSS; ALSA appears. People complain about ALSA, there comes PulseAudio. And the list goes on with systemd, etc. How can a developer be sane trying to develop for Linux desktop? The only environment that is easy to target for Linux is the server, because it is a slow moving target, and that’s where it shines. But the lack of direction of Linux desktop only makes it a good choice for a developer desktop. It is self-consuming. I’d love to have only one distro, with only one set of libraries… If FreeBSD had been popular from the beginning, it would be a better replacement for Linux, not because of kernel quality, but from a clear direction viewpoint.


  8. Things constantly breaking. That has been my experience. As a new user of Linux, I’ve always operated under the assumption that I would need put in the time to learn my stuff. I spent hours, days, googling forums in my spare time trying to get the latest NVidia driver to install and work with my off brand Korean monitor, a PLS display that Samsung rejected because it was of A- quality. I finally got it working. The performance was what it should be given my hardware. I was playing one of my favorite games, Civilization V, on my system last night. It’s a Steam game, and it’s worked from Day 1. And it worked with the driver that I finally installed successfully. (I was about to pay somebody to do it for me.) I stopped the game, saved it, restarted, etc, all to test that my gpu driver was functioning correctly and would continue to do so.

    Now, less than 24 hours later, after having done nothing to my computer, the game won’t play. Some OpenGl glx blah blah blah is not supported. It worked less than a day before. I did nothing to change my computer. Now it doesn’t work.

    I don’t get how you guys do it. I get it that you like to tinker with things and it takes engagement and the willingness to learn, but t iso what end? If it’s about optimizing something, customizing, doing something new, that makes sense. But constantly having to fix something that worked less than 24 hours ago?! That IS breaking the user experience. Linus is right. It would be nice to say, “Cool! I put in the work. Now it does what I want it to do.” Now I have to fix it. Again.

    I root for Linux and I want to be a Linux user and be a part of it. But this just sucks, and it is a Linux problem. Flame away.


  9. @Ben You are talking about user-space. I’m talking about Linux, the kernel. Most people use the term “Linux” to refer to the whole OS, but that’s not exactly right.


  10. Pingback: GNOME’s Horrid Coding Practices – Study Abroad

  11. Pingback: GNOME’s Frightful Coding Practices – TOP Show HN

  12. Pingback: GNOME’s horrid coding practices | Felipe Contreras

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